It Just Takes a Good Smack...

Saturday, July 23, 2011
I'm officially beyond halfway through this trip as we only have 2 full days left in Cape Coast. I'm definitely going to miss it but I am anxious to get home, back to reality I guess. Coming back to Ghana made me realize that in some aspects I've definitely changed- like being open to new and unfamiliar traditions. After 23 years of dodging, I finally put on traditional African attire. It felt weird but this time around I enjoyed it. As a kid I always found the outfits to be stiff and constricting. Now I didn't even notice.

Relaxing has given me some time to think about what I want and what I need right now. I have to admit, my priorities are all over the place and something my dad said struck me: "Fantis have problems taking risks, they don't want to fail." Ah. So that's my problem, I'm afraid to fail. Being 23, unemployed with experience in a field that I'm not even sure I want to continue with is scary. But life is like that, nothing is certain or guaranteed. I just need to go for my dreams, just like I did when I was little. I've already come so far and accomplished so much but I know there's more work to be done. I think coming "home" made me realize that. So as I enjoy these few days I have left in Ghana, I need to set new goals and start putting things into action.

Sometimes it just takes a good smack in the head to realize what you're doing wrong and what you could be doing right. Go figure.



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