"Murdoch He Wrote...Murdoch He Wrote..."
If you haven't heard about the Rupert Murdoch scandal, you've been hiding under a massive rock. He's currently under fire in the UK because of a phone hacking scandal and people are calling for him to be investigated in the U.S. too. Why? Well let's see, this guy owns media and entertainment outlets that have virtually touched every American. Don't think so? Let me go down the list: 20th Century Fox, Fox News, New York Post, Dow Jones, The Wall Street Journal, DirecTV and even Harper-Collins Publishers. Yup, you've been touched by him indirectly whether you like it or not. Which means this scandal is going to have a significant impact on his companies here. The scandal managed to exposed the UK's interesting relationship between the government and the media (as if we didn't know that happens, come on don't be naive) and it has people questioning journalists and their "ethical" standards. Only time will tell what will happen to him and his "empire".
"As the Clock Goes Tick, Tock"
President Obama has had ENOUGH! Thank GOD. The man socked it to Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) during the debt ceiling negotiations and basically gave everyone a serious lecture and ended the meeting. People have been slapping, poking, beating, laughing, disrespecting, spitting, and anything you can think of on Obama. The man is doing his job, shut up and let's crank out a deal. YOU WOULD THINK these the Republicans would realize that allowing this country to default would slaughter the very hands feeding. But no they keep changing their position. And Michele Bachmann has some nerve talking nonsense that if the U.S. defaults nothing will happen. UM excuse me, for all my CONSUMERS OUT THERE...what happens when you don't pay your credit card bill or that financial aid bill? Your credit will get screwed, your interest will go up, and you won't be able to buy ANYTHING. DUH, it's not theory, it's a FACT sweetheart. If the U.S. defaults on it's financial obligations we're gonna be screwed, just like the millions of Americans out there who are unable to pay their own debt. All those idiots in office need to shut up, lock it down and come up with a long-term solution for the debt ceiling before August 2nd. Otherwise, they'll be in there talking about the 2011 Recession/Depression. All I can do is SMH and hope that when I get back from my trip to Ghana that I'm not coming back to a crisis. LOL.
Goodbye from me!
Hi this is Stacey AKA PixiwooHQ here. After 8 fabulous years working here
at Pixiwoo I have decided it's time for a new venture into the world of
5 years ago
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