DMV drivers are THE WORST!

Saturday, September 03, 2011
Hey bees! I've been a bit absent from The Buzz, but I have an excuse. See about two weeks ago I got into a car accident (which wasn't my fault by the way) and my car was totaled. Not to mention I started my first job two days after the accident. SMH. But I'm ok, the doctors say I'm going to be fine and I get to go car shopping finally.

But this leads me to the point of this post. DMV DRIVERS SUCK. Yes, you over there from the DMV, you can't drive. Now this would probably mean I have to include myself and considering I've never driven a car out of the DMV I really won't know until I do if I suck. But for the REST OF YOU...y'all are the worst. 

Why the hell do you abruptly stop, turn and then turn on your signal or you don't know where you're going??? I just can't. Or you go from the far left lane to exit all the way on the right and vice versa. OR you get mad if I try to pass you. I'm sorry I have to agree with my people from Jersey and NYC....go back to driving school, STAT. Some idiot in front of me did NOT know where they were going and they caused me and two other cars (both SUVs) behind me to end up in a 3 car pile up. All because people can't freaking learn how to drive. People in this area need to get it together and if you think I'm lying, believe it because according to the Los Angeles Times, Allstate ranked DMV drivers as the worst drivers in AMERICA for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW. Get it together people. Otherwise, your cars are gonna look like this all the time.


RIP Honda 


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